In this Blog, Our MD Noella shares with us her experience of getting help and delegating tasks.

When I started Pinnaklo in January 2020, I knew the direction I wanted it to go in, I had ambitious plans for Pinnaklo. A desire to bring my experience working with large corporate organisations to SMEs – a sector I am passionate about, having come from a family of business owners and married into another. I understood the gaps and challenges faced by SMEs and had the experience to bridge them.

What I was yet to understand was the challenges I would face when starting a business.  I didn’t quite appreciate the amount of time I would need to devote to brand building, networking, promoting the company and expanding my network. Coming from a large corporate entity this wasn’t something I really had to think about – the network was there with 200 or so employees at my feet.

As Ireland entered a severe lockdown in Spring 2020, I was fortunate to have an experienced marketing professional, with many years in the hotel sector guiding me through marketing a new business – every cloud and all that! I needed help, and he, thanks to an on mass shut down of the hospitality sector had time and knowledge to share.

As the world and Ireland began to return to “normal” the mammoth task of building a network and promoting Pinnaklo landed, once again at my feet.  There simply were not enough hours in the day – in my day. So, I took a leap of faith and decided to hire an assistant, to take ownership of the day-to-day administration of the business and promoting all things Pinnaklo, and I have never looked back.

Sandra Gilligan joined the company in September 2021 and already I don’t know how we survived without her. She is there to support the business and me, enabling me to focus on what I do best – helping SMEs to grow.

As the year draws to a close, and we as a business reflect on the past 12 months, I’m reminded of the benefit of asking for help. It’s something I say to clients every day. If SMEs didn’t need extra resources to allow them to succeed, Pinnaklo as a business wouldn’t exist.  Luckily, I saw the wisdom in my own words and asked for help, sourced extra resources to allow me to grow. Never underestimate the power of delegating.